Project UniformScouting Gives 2024WNY Scouting CampershipsConfer Classic

Eagle Reference - GT District
Recommendation for Eagle Scout
The Boy Scouts of America represents a high standard of character and citizenship. An Eagle Scout should embody the high standard. As someone who knows the Scout well, we welcome your opinions regarding his/her character. Your opinions will be kept confidential and will only be shared with Eagle Scout Board of Review.
*Eagle Scout Candidate's Name:
*Please tell us about your experiences and interactions with this Scout that help us understand the character of the candidate for the Eagle Scout Award.
Please rate this youth based on your personal experiences. The rating should be comparison with other youth of the same age.
*Honesty, Integrity, Trustworthiness
*Personality: Cheerful, Friendly & Courteous
*Initiative & Motivation
*Concern for Others
*Reverence to God
*Commitment & Responsibility
Are there any particular aspect of the youth's performance or character, which you feel the Board of Review should emphasize during its interview with the Scout?
*Do you recommend this candidate for the Rank of Eagle?
Do you have any other comments?
*Your Name:
*Phone or email:
*Relationship to Candidate
Troop Number
If you know the Scouts Troop number, please enter